Wednesday, March 25

И снова о попугаях

Мы уже несколько раз обсуждали с Ваней это потрясающее выступление Маргарет Тэтчер и оригинал

Сегодня я, любопытства ради, нашел текст ее выступления.

Now, that brings me to the Liberal Party. [laughter] I gather that during the last few days there have been some ill-natured jokes about their new symbol, a bird of some kind, adopted by the Liberal Democrats at Blackpool. Politics is a serious business, and one should not lower the tone unduly. [laughter] So I will say only this of the Liberal Democrat symbol and of the party it symbolises.[fo 32]

This is an ex-parrot. [loud laughter and applause]

It is not merely stunned. It has ceased to be, expired and gone to meet its maker. [laughter and applause] It is a parrot no more. [laughter] It has rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. [laughter] This is a late parrot. [laughter applause]

And now for something completely different ... [laughter][fo 33]

А также - отличный рассказ о истории самого выступления - очень рекомендую

1 comment:

Ingumsky said...

Спасибо за историю. Себе в ЖЖ тоже скину.