Friday, September 3

Slashdot::Обсуждение тем, связанных с географией

  • There's an old joke in the US, that if English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

  • How about the Toyota MR2. The french read that as Emm Er deux, which sounds a bit like merde, which is french for a word that probably won't get past slashdot's naughty words filter.Holy shit, when did slashdot add a fucking naughty word filter?

  • East has often been used as the top of the map becasue it was the sacred direction from which the sun would rise. You may have heard of "the orient" it means the east and people would orient a map. It is of no small significance to europeans that Jerusalem was there.This goes back through many cultures.
    North was also a common choice since the north star was a major navigational point and the only still part in the heavens. In many esoteric understandings the north star was the peak of the cosmic mountain where the Gods dwell. Refer to Isaiah's refereces to "Har Tzafon" or the mountain of the north. Since about 3/4 of the dry land on earth is north of the equator, particularly those areas that developed advanced cultures early, this was also a common model in many cultures.

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